Minor Prophets (Adults)

Joel Chapter 1

Lesson written by Murray Wade

Joel Questions

Text: Joel 1 [Please read the text through and then answer these questions]

1. How is Joel identified?




2. Who is the audience of the book and what are they instructed to do?




3. What event are they to tell their children about for three generations?




4. What are the four types of locust mentioned? What do you think they represent?




5. What has been cut off from the drunkard’s mouth?




6. Does the nation described in verse 6-7 have any relation to the four types of locust from verse 4?




7. Please make a list of reasons, from verses 8-12, why the joy has withered away from the sons of men? 




8. What activities does Joel command in verses 13-14?




9. Please make a list of the things, from verses 16-20, that result because the day of the Lord is at hand.